kraken icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
kraken copied to clipboard

OCR engine for all the languages


.. image:: :target:

kraken is a turn-key OCR system optimized for historical and non-Latin script material.

kraken's main features are:

  • Fully trainable layout analysis and character recognition
  • Right-to-Left <>, BiDi <>, and Top-to-Bottom script support
  • ALTO <>_, PageXML, abbyyXML, and hOCR output
  • Word bounding boxes and character cuts
  • Multi-script recognition support
  • Public repository <>_ of model files
  • Lightweight model files
  • Variable recognition network architectures


kraken only runs on Linux or Mac OS X. Windows is not supported.

The latest stable releases can be installed either from PyPi <>_:


$ pip install kraken

or through conda <>_:


$ conda install -c conda-forge -c mittagessen kraken

If you want direct PDF and multi-image TIFF/JPEG2000 support it is necessary to install the pdf extras package for PyPi:


$ pip install kraken[pdf]

or install pyvips manually with conda:


$ conda install -c conda-forge pyvips

Conda environment files are provided which for the seamless installation of the master branch as well:


$ git clone $ cd kraken $ conda env create -f environment.yml



$ git clone $ cd kraken $ conda env create -f environment_cuda.yml

for CUDA acceleration with the appropriate hardware.

Finally you'll have to scrounge up a model to do the actual recognition of characters. To download the default model for printed English text and place it in the kraken directory for the current user:


$ kraken get 10.5281/zenodo.2577813

A list of libre models available in the central repository can be retrieved by running:


$ kraken list


Recognizing text on an image using the default parameters including the prerequisite steps of binarization and page segmentation:


$ kraken -i image.tif image.txt binarize segment ocr

To binarize a single image using the nlbin algorithm:


$ kraken -i image.tif bw.png binarize

To segment an image (binarized or not) with the new baseline segmenter:


$ kraken -i image.tif lines.json segment -bl

To segment and OCR an image using the default model(s):


$ kraken -i image.tif image.txt segment -bl ocr

All subcommands and options are documented. Use the help option to get more information.


Have a look at the docs <>_

Related Software

These days kraken is quite closely linked to the escriptorium <>_ project developed in the same eScripta research group. eScriptorium provides a user-friendly interface for annotating data, training models, and inference (but also much more). There is a gitter channel <>_ that is mostly intended for coordinating technical development but is also a spot to find people with experience on applying kraken on a wide variety of material.


kraken is developed at the École Pratique des Hautes Études <>, Université PSL <>.

.. container:: twocol

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    .. image::
      :width: 100
      :alt: Co-financed by the European Union

.. container::

    This project was partially funded through the RESILIENCE project, funded from
    the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and

.. container:: twocol

.. container::

  .. image::
     :width: 100
     :alt: Received funding from the Programme d’investissements d’Avenir

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    Ce travail a bénéficié d’une aide de l’État gérée par l’Agence Nationale de la
    Recherche au titre du Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir portant la référence