micc-api-samples copied to clipboard
Monitor conversation event adaptation failed
I found that I couldn't listen to the session adaptation after I logged in to employeeInbox
in connectToEmployeeHub
function connectToEmployeeHub(data) { var miccSignalr = new MiccSignalR(data.miccServer, data.access_token); miccSignalr.start(function () { miccSignalr.addSelfMonitor(); miccSignalr.employeeConversationChanged(onEmployeeConversationChanged); miccSignalr.employeeConversationRemoved(onEmployeeConversationRemoved); }); }
I'm not sure what you mean by "couldn't listen to the session adaption". Did you get an error? Did no events trigger? Were there any messages in the browser console logs?
Hello I wan to know conversionId is it interactionId?
Are you asking if conversationId that is used in the API calls and responses is the same as the interactionId used in web ignite UI? Can you please give more details? Thanks
yes,in addition Can I listen to the tape if I use the conversatoinId?
I don't understand what you mean by "can I listen to the tape" What is this you are referring to?