raspi_gtalk_robot copied to clipboard
Python Gtalk (XMPP) Bot for Raspberry Pi
What is it?
This script will allow you to communicate directly with your Raspberry Pi using Gtalk / Google Hangouts.
You can run it in any device that supports google hangouts
How can I install it?
1. Install Python 2.7
sudo apt-get install python-pip git-core python2.7-dev
2. Update easy_install
sudo easy_install -U distribute
3. Install GPIO, xmpppy and pydns modules.
sudo pip install RPi.GPIO xmpppy pydns
4. Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/UlisesGascon/raspi_gtalk_robot.git
5 Enter in the folder.
cd raspi_gtalk_robot
6. Edit raspiBot.py.
sudo nano raspiBot.py
7. Search for (BOT_GTALK_USER, BOT_GTALK_PASS, and BOT_ADMIN) in lines 31-33. Edit them and save all the changes.
8. Run the script.
sudo python ./raspiBot.py
Main commands:
As mitchtech said in this blog entry:
[pinon|pon|on|high] [pin] : turns on the specified GPIO pin
[pinoff|poff|off|low] [pin] : turns off the specified GPIO pin
[write|w] [pin] [state] : writes specified state to the specified GPIO pin
[read|r] [pin]: reads the value of the specified GPIO pin
[available|online|busy|dnd|away|idle|out|xa] [arg1] : set gtalk state and status message to specified argument
[shell|bash] [arg1] : executes the specified shell command argument after ‘shell’ or ‘bash’