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A crate for reading and writing `.m3u` files - the de facto standard for multimedia playlists.

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A lib for reading and writing .m3u files - the de facto standard for multimedia playlists.


Original M3U

extern crate m3u;

fn main() {

    // Create a multimedia media playlist.
    let playlist = vec![
        m3u::path_entry(r"Alternative\Band - Song.mp3"),
        m3u::path_entry(r"Classical\Other Band - New Song.mp3"),
        m3u::path_entry(r"D:\More Music\Foo.mp3"),
        m3u::path_entry(r"..\Other Music\Bar.mp3"),

    // Write the playlist to a file.
        let mut file = std::fs::File::create("playlist.m3u").unwrap();
        let mut writer = m3u::Writer::new(&mut file);
        for entry in &playlist {

    // Read the playlist from the file.
    let mut reader = m3u::Reader::open("playlist.m3u").unwrap();
    let read_playlist: Vec<_> = reader.entries().map(|entry| entry.unwrap()).collect();
    assert_eq!(&playlist, &read_playlist);

Writes then reads a plain text UTF-8 file that looks like this:

Alternative\Band - Song.mp3
Classical\Other Band - New Song.mp3
D:\More Music\Foo.mp3
..\Other Music\Bar.mp3

Extended M3U

extern crate m3u;

fn main() {

    // Create a multimedia playlist, including the duration in seconds and name for each entry.
    let playlist = vec![
        m3u::path_entry(r"C:\Documents and Settings\I\My Music\Sample.mp3")
            .extend(123.0, "Sample artist - Sample title"),
        m3u::path_entry(r"C:\Documents and Settings\I\My Music\Greatest Hits\Example.ogg")
            .extend(321.0, "Example Artist - Example title"),
            .extend(123.0, "Sample artist - Sample title"),
        m3u::path_entry(r"Greatest Hits\Example.ogg")
            .extend(321.0, "Example Artist - Example title"),

    // Write the playlist to the file.
        let mut file = std::fs::File::create("playlist_ext.m3u").unwrap();
        let mut writer = m3u::Writer::new_ext(&mut file).unwrap();
        for entry in &playlist {

    // Read the playlist from the file.
    let mut reader = m3u::Reader::open_ext("playlist_ext.m3u").unwrap();
    let read_playlist: Vec<_> = reader.entry_exts().map(|entry| entry.unwrap()).collect();
    assert_eq!(&playlist, &read_playlist);

Writes then reads a plain text UTF-8 file in the Extended M3U format that looks like this:

#EXTINF:123,Sample artist - Sample title
C:\Documents and Settings\I\My Music\Sample.mp3
#EXTINF:321,Example Artist - Example title
C:\Documents and Settings\I\My Music\Greatest Hits\Example.ogg
#EXTINF:123,Sample artist - Sample title
#EXTINF:321,Example Artist - Example title
Greatest Hits\Example.ogg


Licensed under either of

  • Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
  • MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.