vitae copied to clipboard
Change profilepic size
Hi! I am using the awesome theme for my cv.
I figured how to change the profilepic fro circle to rectangle. Is there a way to change the height/with of the profilepic?
Have a look at your .cls file for you template, you'll find something like what is below for the "twenty seconds" theme
- see line 139 of the cls file
\clip (600/2, 587/2) circle (587/2);
\node[anchor=north west, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=\imagewidth]{\profilepic}};
A bit of playing with those values should get the desired effect. I don't understand the settings fully, but I think it's essentially creating a bounding box and then anchoring the image within that box. Scaling/shifting should be possible.
To be honest, it would be nice to pull out some of these as clearer variables, for instance to scale the zoom factor of the image more easily.