Mirko Galimberti
Mirko Galimberti
Before touching the code, and deciding what to do, a deeper knowledge is needed. If `kivy.modules.monitor` is widely used, and we're quite sure that works, we can't say the same...
Writing a migration guide for porting Kivy `2.3.0` apps to `3.0.0` could be an enormous amount of work to do if done on a single shot. Instead, when making changes...
Thankfully, unlike Android (https://github.com/kivy/kivy/issues/8583), for the AVFoundation (iOS and macOS) Camera we do not need to switch to another API. Here, we only have to add/adapt features to conform to...
The current "abstraction" exposed via `kivy.core.camera.Camera` is not enough to handle all the features made available by modern camera systems, such as the ones available on Android and iOS. Over...
- Which output devices are available through a specific audio_output core provider implementation? - Which are the capabilities and human-friendly names of these audio output devices? - capabilities: 5.1, 2.1...
"You don't need to worry about the implementation to use, Kivy will take care of it for you." We already provide an environment variable to restrict the core providers (e.g....
- Which cameras are available through a specific camera core provider implementation? - Which are the capabilities and human-friendly names of these cameras? - capabilities: telephoto, wide-angle - human-friendly names:...
`kivy.core.audio` is too generic, but only contains audio output core providers implementations. Moving `kivy.core.audio` to `kivy.core.audio_output`, and reserving `kivy.core.audio_input` for future use made it more future proof. Audio input ATM...
The decision is almost made, Skia will be aggressively used to fix a lot of long-standing Kivy issues, and Skia-backed core provider implementations will be a huge part of Kivy...
Our current SVG implementation is lightweight and does not need any extra dependency, but is buggy and incomplete. That's the pain point of trying to maintain a custom implementation. For...