Mirza Delic

Results 16 issues of Mirza Delic

Is there any solution to make event height bigger so i can add more info in event? Need info with new lines so height needs to be bigger for event...

How can i pass array of objects: ``` func autoCompleteTextField(textField: MLPAutoCompleteTextField!, possibleCompletionsForString string: String!) -> [AnyObject]! { return [ Obj, Obj, Obj, Obj ] } ``` then to show `Obj.name`...

When i use: ``` articleTextField.autoCompleteTableAppearsAsKeyboardAccessory = true ``` i get tableview with results before keyboard, but without that code, i don't get that tableview at all. How can i fix...

Hi, how can i broadcast to channel from my method? ``` python ... def post_save(self, obj, created=False): // broadcast message with data(obj) to channel ```

Does anyone have problem with iOS devices that they can't receive message from django-fcm? Android receives it, and when test from firebase console ios device receive message, just when using...

I tied with steps on docs but couldn't get list of pages, always getting 403 error. Problem was that I have: ``` REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": ("rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated",) } ``` This...