lean-monitor copied to clipboard
Windows Desktop App to browse Lean engine's backtest and live monitor progress and results.
If I open a json, it will not show charts. If I open a json again, the charts will show.
``` "Charts": { "Alpha Assets": { "Name": "Alpha Assets", "ChartType": 0, "Series": { "SPY": { "Name": "SPY", "Unit": null, "Index": 0, "Values": [ { "x": 1381498260, "y": 81.0 } ],...
As a user running live algorithms, I would like to be able to attach to a running session to see its current performance, or to open a exported live result...
As a user I would like to see the stockplots of the stocks in my strategy. I also would like to see my trades on this chart. The `Lean` engine...
As user analyzing a backtest result, I would like to see my rolling statistics. I would like to see them similar to the Algorithm Lab at QuantConnect.com. This implies a...
Pressing `Alt` sometimes causes unhandled exception with message > '{DependencyProperty.UnsetValue}' is not a valid value for property 'FocusVisualStyle'. This is probably a problem with a property named `FocusVisualStyle` in the...
The `Strategy Equity` tab shows `Equity` chart as well as `Daily Performance` chart. However, the vertical separator lines (below the date labels) are unaligned. This might be caused by the...