tf_deep_rl_trader copied to clipboard
how to print the number of long and short trade when an episode is finished?
Hi, thank you again for your work. I have tried to put the number of trades inside the episode_finished function, but i cant find a good solution to do it. This is what I tried :
def episode_finished(r):
reward = "%.6f" % (r.episode_rewards[-1])
print("Finished episode {ep} of {totalep} after {ts} timesteps (reward: {reward})".format(ep=r.episode, ts=r.episode_timestep,
reward=reward, totalep=episodes_number))
#print("with {l} long position and {s} short".format(l=long, s=short))
#print("with {l} long position and short".format(l=n_long))
#print("info:", info)
if np.mean(r.episode_rewards[-1]) > 0 :
r.agent.save_model(SAVE_DIR, append_timestep=False)
return True