> Hi! You can get a better data source for Germany here https://www.smard.de/home/downloadcenter/download-marktdaten/?downloadAttributes=%7B%22selectedCategory%22:1,%22selectedSubCategory%22:1,%22selectedRegion%22:%2250Hertz%22,%22selectedFileType%22:false,%22from%22:1669849200000,%22to%22:1670799599999%7D Generally, SMARD.de publishes ENTSO-E data, so there should be no advantage to use their data over the...
I think there are no new data sources beyond the one mentioned above (ENTSO-E/SMARD). We have implemented regionalization procedures to estimate generation/load values for Federal States. Free version of the...
@florianscheidl Thanks, that's a good idea. Once we have generation and load data for a set of regions (hopefully balanced) and information about the grid connection between the regions, we...
Probably two reasons: - Energy-Charts runs different corrections over their data to improve the data published by ENTSO-E. The corrections are mostly based on reported statistical data (monthly or yearly),...
> Energy-Charts now has a new "ENTSO-E" mode in addition to the old "Public" and "Total" modes. After selecting it, it says "Original data ENTSO-E". I guess they don't use...