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BBBMini project needs an update
The kernel you reference to is outdated and leads to certificate errors. Choosing another kernel leads to endless problems with devicetrees and your BBBMini cape. Please update your repository as it is still a cool project!
Woke up this morning, and the streets were full of cars; All bright and shiny like they'd just arrived from mars. And as I stumbled through last night's drunken debris, The paperboy screamed out the headlines in the street. Another war, and now the pound is looking weak. And tell me, have you read about the latest freak? We're bingo numbers, and our names are obsolete. Why do I feel bitter when I should be feeling sweet? Hello, hello, turn your radio on; Is there anybody out there? Help me sing my song......
Honestly, BBBMini is a cool project, but urgently needs an update.
Does this apply to the BeagleBone Blue as well?
I cannot completely judge this, BeagleBone Blue is easier as sensors are connected only via I2C
Any progress or clue on how the project can be updated? If not, maybe we can debug some issues here if someone could explain the problem in more detail. @Seeelefant @timtuxworth
hi @50-sys
I had bbbmini/ardupilot running in more updated kernels, there are some issues:
- the dto should be changed a lot
- using config-pin utility I had an strange behavior - the spi interface doesn't recognize the spi bus at first run - I had to call a script to activate the bus before run the ardupilot code.
- even with a dto, after the boot the linux kernel is configuring/setting the pins, and I had to wait until it finish before run ardupilot - because if I start ardupilot while the linux is configuring the pins, the load average is too high and ardupilot is useless.
hi @50-sys , I could run ardupilot + bbbmini with kernel 5.10-RT, and at least on the bench. I'm using a customized dtb - what I didn't need the config-pin and all issues with the 5.4 kernel version has gone. If you want to try just let me know.
Hi @juvinski, @50-sys, this is really good news. Might this be the starting point for an updated project?
hi @Seeelefant ,
I believe would be a better option to update a little bit the bbbmini board. Changing the IMU to the ICM20948, TJA1051 for canbus, buzzer circuit, power switch connector. The mpu9250 has reached the EOL and is not working with fast reading. The TJA I have better results. The buzzer is self explained. For me, it's impossible to press the beagle power switch.
So this would be bigger project, seems that also the board needs an update?
Hi @Seeelefant ,
in true I already have a board with a lot of improvements, but I can't share. But I'm creating a DIY board with a lot of improvements, I'm calling this as BBBMINI V2.
- I replace the CAN for a breadboard(TJA 1051) instead CI and resistors and capacitors - to gain more space on the board.
- I remove the voltage divider for the receiver - I'm still considering this.
- I removed the Sonar and External SPI interface
- I added the buzer circuit and connected the Buzzer to a PWM output - I prefer the pwm playing music :)
- Added PullUP resitors for the I2C bus
- Added Power Button pinheader
- Update to use ICM-20948 instead MPU-9250
Some considerations I'm having:
- Add ABC leds
- Add voltage divider for rc input
- Add some GPIO pins for relay pins
This is the draft I have until now:
Any consideration will help.
Best regards.
Hi @juvinski,
sounds really cool. Please drop me a line once you are ready to share your BBBMINI V2, I´d be happy to help you with discussions, testing etc..
Best regards.
hi @50-sys , I could run ardupilot + bbbmini with kernel 5.10-RT, and at least on the bench. I'm using a customized dtb - what I didn't need the config-pin and all issues with the 5.4 kernel version has gone. If you want to try just let me know.
Hey, I am interested in trying it out, will try to get actual tests on it.
Hi @safinwb, eagerly would like to try out your dtb-can you share it?
I started a repository: I'm traveling right now and I believe I can update the instructions - the DTB part - on next week and I will update you. Basically, you need to clone the RCNelson repository - under the 4.19 branch copy and save the file am335x-boneblack-bbbmini.dts, then change to branch 5.1.x, install the dtc and copy the am335x-boneblack-bbbmini.dts to the src/arm folder, in this point there are some adjustments with include folders and files, and after this adjustments compile andu se the am335x-boneblack-bbbmini.dtb on your uEnv file.
@juvinski thanks this helps, I will start testing it out on my board. Probably will keep older components
Hi @safinwb and @Seeelefant
I updated the dts file for bbmini and updathe the instructions: If you could test the procedure.
- After my customization of the board I will try to send the bbbmini dts for the mainline to remove this procedure - but for now, must be manually downloaded, compiled and installed.
best regards.