
Results 1125 comments of mirh

With Steam IHS you would require [multiseat software](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/homestream/discussions/0/522730700096587625/). Which, I mean, it is somehow to be expected ***if***, as we all know, Windows doesn't support more than a single mouse/keyboard...

[Ambient link](https://www.facebook.com/MSIGamingUSA/photos/mystic-lights-new-function-ambient-link-is-incredible-not-only-can-it-control-ms/10159151798878084/) seems just a feature under the mystic light [brand](https://www.msi.com/news/detail/d325c14493d4d39e4591e65600ac5423)/[app](https://www.msi.com/Landing/mystic-light-rgb-gaming-pc/). Laptops don't sound like anything too fancy. https://github.com/michalgregor/msi-gt72s-keyboard https://github.com/CosmicSubspace/MSI-Keyboard-Lights https://github.com/Askannz/msi-perkeyrgb

FWIW I had [found out](https://old.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/niucyh/black_screen_when_enabling_csm/jv13obj/) that when I'm just using the igp of my i5-9600K (on a Z390 GAMING X with F10i bios) I'm getting a black screen with aperture...

Copying the comment from @ValZapod that now sadly deleted their account > Ffmpeg actually uses PTS and DTS (PCR bits too) in vfrdet of MPEG-TS (H.222 spec). It does not...

> The problem is present for many years, it seems to come with the way Wine and graphics interact with each other, the higher the graphic detail the faster virtual...

As I linked, this is probably a bug with upstream... (that pba may particularly trigger, but that's outside the point) edit: uh, and ffs, comparisons with windows are completely IT...

In-topic. And of course, if somebody knew what's there in windows wine is doing differently that makes heap fly down, the problem would have been fixed.

I'm kinda sure TW3 got heavily fixed in wine 3.2

It shouldn't bother you too much. It was fixed in [3.3](https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43872#c45)

Well, if you can narrow down what's the issue with them, you can ask mesa/intel devs to fix that (if they have some spare time). Said this, anyway, sooner or...