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Offline download database
Thank you very much for this app, first very good quran open source app ! I could like to make some suggestion if you have time to implement it please :
- Offline import of Search and translation databaeses (I tried to share the app with another device which has no internet but impossible to download search db and translation)
- Default enable translation in search, otherwise, only the original text is searched and it can be confusing. Thank you very much, may Allah reward you.
Salam !
The first one of your suggestions is worth considering. I'll definitely try to add a way out for such situations انشااللہ
The second one is a matter of opinion. Some other users - including me - may think that searching in Arabic text should be the default behavior. But the setting is easily accessible to change the behavior anytime. Personally I frequently switch between the both.
آمین۔ جزاکم اللہ خیرا والسلام
Thank you for your answer ! The second is not very important i agree. For the first, I have a suggestion : why not to put db files in the Android/data folder which is accessible by file explorer in the SDcard ? It's working with another non-open source quran app developed by Greentech apps
In fact databases files are already downloaded to Android/data/
. We can add a check to see if the file exists before trying to download.
Really ? I see no file in the folder Android/data/... Is it not just a temporary folder for downloads ? Other solution, manual button import from the app ?
Thank you very much
I see no file in the folder Android/data/...
The downloaded .xml
files are deleted after the actual database is built.
manual button import from the app?
That's what I thought about.