Miroslav Bendík
Miroslav Bendík
Field _position and _ref_node_id can not be referenced in custom form layout. Template code `{{ form._position }}` raises this exception: "Variables and attributes may not begin with underscores".
URL https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1WO07-OL50_dzJDYU1Zak1WTnc returns 404
Some subtranslations are empty after commit 83dc5e45cea64f6af407532f00a92539e0a3db92 This commit introduced empty subtranslations (e.g. sk_SK for slovak language), which are loaded instead of main translations (e.g. sk). It looks like the...
### FAQ - [X] I have checked the [FAQ](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/blob/main/doc/cmp.txt) and it didn't resolve my problem. ### Announcement - [X] I have checked [Breaking change announcement](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/issues/231). ### Minimal reproducible full config...
Let's assume, i have already this `requirements.txt` file: ``` urllib3==2.1.0 ``` Now i add `boto3` to `requirements.in`: ``` urllib3 boto3 ``` Now command `pip-compile --resolver=backtracking -v requirements.in` tries to download...
Cleared ImageField / FileField returns False as value. This code assigns False to model field. This saves 'False' to database field. https://github.com/django-parler/django-parler/blob/904eacd583e1f9ca4588928f5b9e7ba2f31b60c7/parler/models.py#L312-L315 Django uses following code to convert False to...
Hello, i have this set of packages: ``` $ pip freeze|grep -i "\(pikepdf\|z3c\)" pikepdf==6.0.2 z3c.rml==4.2.0 ``` This is my reportlab rml file rendered using z3c.rml: ```xml Text ``` code to...
I am trying to convert all UltiSnips snippets to luasnip with exact same behavior (including duplicate triggers, embedded scripts ...). To reproduce snippet menu (displayed with multiple matches) i need...
Uwsgi uses old taks file which is not supported on new systems with cgroups v2: using Linux cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/uwsgi/project with mode 777 open("/sys/fs/cgroup/uwsgi/project/tasks"): Permission denied [core/utils.c line 234]
My API uses snake case names. I want API calls in this form: ```typescript public objectList({ page, filter_id, filter_status, }: { page?: (string | null), filter_id?: (number | null), filter_status?:...