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Markdown linting rules
We are using for our strings markdown syntax to be able to define bold and links from the string itself.
Will it make sense for this project, if we open a PR adding two new checks (one for bold, and one for links) that compare the count of bold matches between the master value and the value?
Similar to the current check for url_count
I’m open to a PR addressing this 😃 I’m not sure it’s a fit for every project since "bold" markup should not depends on translations. The URL one ensure that the same information is on every translations but I’m not sure that the same number of "bold" or "italic" markup is a good check.
Maybe it would make sense to allow to configure which checks do you want to apply on the dashboard? From what I've seen, the call that is made on the dashboard requests for a lint specifying the complete list of checks. I'm thinking on allowing to configure a project wide setting that defines which ones are active or not.