Results 103 comments of mirari

原始图片的展示可以自己在slot里实现 viewer浏览模式的话就没办法了,只能自己修改viewerjs源码

I made an example for test. []( Normally, modifying data will trigger the viewer's [`update()`]( method , it won't close while image is opened in view mode. However, `update()` does...


有可能是容器的宽高不固定,而是被内部元素影响了。 如果图片加载不出,容器就只有这点大小,导致viewer撑满容器时也只有这点大小 尝试将宽高固定

There is no such function, I can provide a similar example but not sure if it is what you need:

Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. ViewerJS uses CSS to achieve effects such as scaling and rotation of images, which is a different system from canvas.


自己手动执行下pnpm i viewerjs就好了

这需求需要去[viewer.js](提了。 不过默认也只有当前正在看的图会被加载原图啊,出现在列表里的全部是缩略图

Maybe you can try api mode. This will prevent the viewer's data source from interacting with the data source you are using for the page presentation.