혹시 해결되셨나요? 만약 해결이 안되셨다면 생각나는 방법이 있습니다. emoji 버젼이 1.5 이상이 되면 emoji.UNICODE_EMOJI.keys() 이 라인이 문제를 일으킵니다. emoji 모듈을 1.5 버전으로 다운그레이드를 하시거나 다른 방법을 찾는게 맞을겁니다. 아니면 아래의...
@Beomi colab 에서 emoji를 0.6.0 버전으로 설정하고 돌렸을 때 잘 작동했습니다.
can i get this issue assigned?
Able to reproduce error and find out structure of the code However, there is one question here! I would like to know if there are codes to look around. Since...
think I can finally resolve this issue for good! since gradle is now 8.6.1
I think add support shouldBeIn range would be hard. But maybe creating new function can be solution.
> > I think add support shouldBeIn range would be hard. But maybe creating new function can be solution. > > got it. how about this `(2..3) shouldBeInsideOf (1..4)` think...
if maintainer says yes maybe I can add method to support this proposal
I think there should be some careful approaches about ranges since it has backward range
> I think there should be some careful approaches about ranges since it has backward range and think we need to add support for until or maybe can I get...