ocaml-cohttp copied to clipboard
cohttp-eio: expose the underlying flow additionally to Buf_write when sending the response body
Currently the body type is:
type t =
| Fixed of string
| Chunked of chunk_writer
| Custom of (Eio.Buf_write.t -> unit)
| Empty
I believe it would be nice to have an additional body type that enables to write directly into the connection flow.
| Flow of (Eio.Flow.sink -> unit)
This way, one can use Eio.Flow.copy
to send a file in a streaming fashion. I believe that using Buf_write would require writing the full content in the buffer, right ?
I believe that using Buf_write would require writing the full content in the buffer, right ?
Not sure but for your particular use-case can Eio.Buf_write.flush
(https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio/blob/main/lib_eio/buf_write.mli#L247) help? i.e. IIUC flushing should ensure that you don't wait for the scheduled batched write. @talex5 can you confirm?
i.e. IIUC flushing should ensure that you don't wait
The link says:
[flush t] waits until all prior writes have been successfully completed.
I believe that using Buf_write would require writing the full content in the buffer, right?
What you can do is use schedule_cstruct
to avoid a copy.
I'm not sure providing the raw sink will work, because we'll still typically need to do chunking. What are you planning to use it for?
What are you planning to use it for?
I wanted to fix this TODO in eeww
: https://github.com/avsm/eeww/blob/main/src/main.ml#L78
|`Regular_file -> (* TODO stream body instead of loading *) let body = Eio.Path.load fname in Cohttpx.respond_file fname body
When serving files over HTTP, it's useful to be able to manipulate the flow so that a single copy
is sufficient to stream the content of the file:
let respond_file fname =
let headers = Http.Header.of_list
[ "content-type", mime_type;
"content-length", string_of_int length;
] in
let response =
Http.Response.make ~version:`HTTP_1_1 ~status:`OK ~headers ()
response, Body.Flow (fun flow ->
Eio.Path.with_open_in fname @@ fun file ->
Eio.Flow.copy file flow)
without having to resort to the chunked encoding.