Results 52 issues of Michael

I want to set the source ip address for a request. I see that there is a TODO in the code. This seems to work for me, which seems almost...

It seems that the su on CM11 does not support the --context switch. libsuperuser tests the shell version before using the --context flag. This seems like a sensible thing to...

The last published release and docker image is more than a year old. It seems that since then, a lot happened in the repo. Which version are new users supposed...


For example: The /timedtext url doesn't return anything - any idea why? This tool can do it:

This library does not output any validation errors of newforms.

Currently, if a table column refers to a reverse accessor of a OneToOne relation, it is required that each row actually has a related instance. A missing related instance would...

This currently fails: ``` initial_queryset = models.Coupon.objects.all() queryset = initial_queryset[page*50:page*50+50] coupons = tables.CouponTable(queryset, order_by=request.GET.get('sort')) ``` As per:

See the discussion here:

As it relates to #3, #30 and other tickets, I've collected some thoughts on unit-testing. The problem currently, as I understand it, is: - We use Django finders in development...

Am I reading the code correctly that the `Run if modified` command is presumed to run via a pull request only, i.e. we diff against `master`? I.e. as opposed to...