Miguel Beltran

Results 236 comments of Miguel Beltran

Thanks a lot for checking @BirjuVachhani ! Can I ask, did you use the `baseUrl` param? What value did you pass in the chrome extension? If you can show that,...

FYI, if you want to share a URI, use the `shareUri` not the `share` method, as it makes sure the OS shows the correct preview information and handles the URI...

This should be fixed now, the generated raygun.d.ts provides the `setTags` method.

Incorporated changes into my work branch `miquelbeltran/breadcrumbs`. I'll close this PR and open a new one when ready.

PR is set to "into [145-eslint-setup](https://github.com/MindscapeHQ/raygun4node/tree/145-eslint-setup)" temporarily, the idea is to set to `develop` once #156 is merged

If you want to ensure your test finishes when using flutter driver, you need to have `IntegrationTestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();` in your test file main method. The recommended way of running integration tests...

I don't know the answer to that, but I am not sure how is your code calling to `WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();`, since an `integration_test` launch a widget directly rather than calling on...

@bautistagetahead could you provide this example as a repo instead of as a screenshot? Also, you need to provide the command you are using to run the tests. To me,...

> How can i know which is my app's App widget? Your main method should call to `runApp(App())` or similar. So instead of running your tests and calling to `await...