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A quick way to get started with ABS Census 2016 data


A quick way to get started with Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2021 data and boundaries. Note: Boundaries are available in both datums (GDA94 and GDA2020)

There are 3 options for loading the data

  1. Run the load-census Python script and build the database schemas in a single step on a Mac or Linux machine
  2. Pull the database from Docker Hub and run it in a container
  3. Download the Postgres dump files and restore them in your database.

Option 1 - Run load-census.py

Running the Python script takes 15-30 minutes on a Postgres server (or desktop) configured for performance.


To get a good load time you'll need to configure your Postgres server for performance. There's a good guide here, noting its old and the memory parameters can be beefed up if you have the RAM.


  • Postgres 14+ with PostGIS 3.2+ (tested on 14.10 on macOS Sonoma)
  • Add the Postgres bin directory to your system PATH
  • Python 3.6+ with Psycopg 3 & Pandas packages installed


  1. Run the xx_run_all.sh script in the supporting-files/processing folder. It will download the data and boundary files from the ABS and import them into Postgres in a single step.
  2. Come back in 15-30 minutes and enjoy!

Alternately - you can download the files manually yourself, import the boundary Shapefiles or GeoPackages using GDAL and then import the data using the main script load-census.py.

load-census.py Command Line Options

The behaviour of the main census-loader script can be controlled by specifying various command line options to the script. Supported arguments are:

Required Arguments

  • --census-data-path specifies the path to the extracted Census metadata and data tables (eg *.xlsx and *.csv files). This directory must be accessible by the Postgres server, and the corresponding local path for the server to this directory may need to be set via the local-server-dir argument

Postgres Parameters

  • --pghost the host name for the Postgres server. This defaults to the PGHOST environment variable if set, otherwise defaults to localhost.
  • --pgport the port number for the Postgres server. This defaults to the PGPORT environment variable if set, otherwise 5432.
  • --pgdb the database name for Postgres server. This defaults to the PGDATABASE environment variable if set, otherwise geo.
  • --pguser the username for accessing the Postgres server. This defaults to the PGUSER environment variable if set, otherwise postgres.
  • --pgpassword password for accessing the Postgres server. This defaults to the PGPASSWORD environment variable if set, otherwise password.

Optional Arguments

  • --data-schema schema name to store Census data tables in. Defaults to census_2021_data. You will need to change this argument if you set --census-year=2011
  • --max-processes specifies the maximum number of parallel processes to use for the data load. Set this to the number of cores on the Postgres server minus 2, but limit to 12 if 16+ cores - there is minimal benefit beyond 12. Defaults to 3.

Example Command Line Arguments

python load-census.py --census-data-path="C:\temp\census_2021_data"

Loads the 2021 Census data using a maximum of 4 parallel processes (the default) into the default schema. Census data archives have been extracted to the folder C:\temp\census_2021_data.

python load-census.py --max-processes=8 --data-schema=census_2021_stats --census-data-path="C:\temp\census_2011_data"

Loads the 2021 Census data using a maximum of 8 parallel processes into a renamed schema. Census data archives have been extracted to the folder C:\temp\census_2011_data.


When using the resulting data from this process - you will need to adhere to the ABS data attribution requirements for the Census and ASGS data, as per the Creative Commons (Attribution) license.


  • The scripts will DROP ALL TABLES and recreate them using CASCADE; meaning you'll LOSE YOUR VIEWS if you have created any! If you want to keep the existing data - you'll need to change the schema names in the script or use a different database


  • Whilst you can choose which schema to load the data into, I haven't QA'd the permutations. Stick with the defaults if you have limited Postgres experience

Option 2 - Run the database in a docker container

Download and run a Docker container with Census data and ASGS boundaries ready to go in a Postgres database.


  1. In your docker environment pull the image using docker pull minus34/censusloader:latest
  2. Run using docker run --publish=5433:5432 minus34/censusloader:latest
  3. Access Postgres in the container via port 5433. Default login is - user: postgres, password: password

Note: the compressed Docker image is 8Gb, uncompressed is 27Gb

WARNING: The default postgres superuser password is insecure and should be changed using:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD '<something a lot more secure>'

Option 3 - Load PG_DUMP Files

Download Postgres dump files and restore them in your database.

Should take 15-30 minutes.



  1. Download census_2021_data.dmp (~1.1Gb)
  2. Download census_2021_bdys_gda94.dmp or census_2021_bdys_gda2020.dmp (~1.5Gb)
  3. Edit the restore-census-schemas.bat or 'restore-census-schemas.sh' script in the 'supporting-files' folder for your database parameters and for the location of pg_restore
  4. Run the script, come back in 15-30 minutes and enjoy!

Data License

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics