Akshit Bhandari
Akshit Bhandari
ok. I will try and let you know. Deb commit or latest? I think there are changes in latest. Also do you know how to enable these things if i...
ok i will try building and searching by myself. Suggest me which commit I should build because I think latest commit have configurational changes as well.
My observations after testing current commit: 1) Media_config.conf option "audio_echo_cancellation" should actually be "audio_echo_cancel" as defined in config_media.def?? Also change in high pass filter which should be "highpass_filter" instead "high_passfilter"....
I tried changing jitter settings but no solution. I am trying to use audio echo delay setting. But having problem with that right now. Also I am getting another new...
Yes i have enabled all ec and ns filters. It is verified in log. I have tested in on browser/mobile app which was working with ec and ns in uv4l....
I tried various options yet no luck with AEC.
Yes i was able to make drivers work