
Results 23 issues of Martin

Just Hugo is not enough, you need a couple of NPM packages to build the site. I updated the README to reflect that.

When I hit the frontpage, I could not tell whether this was a tutorial for PHP 5.3 from 2008 or for PHP 7 from 2019. Show relevance by putting the...

This will help people to see that this introduction is up to date (or might not be any longer some day in the future).

It would be great if one could link directly to sort/search, such as ``. I could not figure out whether livewire has some easy support for this (you can use...

- Say you have a column with colors - You want to have a dropdown with available colors and filter on the selected - Or you have a created_at column...


When comparing two UTF-8 CSVs, I use `csvdiff one.csv two.csv --encoding utf-8`. The outputted HTML does not render German Umlaute properly: e.g. instead of `ü` you get `ü`. Example CSV:...

Jina just released jina-embeddings-v2-base-de. Adding support to this plugin might be as easy as adding it to the list of available list of models. Dimensions vary from en versions, though....

As the list is growing, some categories are becoming too broad, especially `Commerce`. New categories should be introduced and entries sorted accordingly.


Right now the title of the project implies that all pages powered by WordPress are being covered. This already sparked questions about the aim of the project (see [here]( Maybe...


GitHub Pages could be used to generate a showcase site with all websites featured on this list. This would be done with a list. The script could also auto-generate up-to-date...
