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Bash micro http framework, yes, bash, that uses netcat to listen for and respond to HTTP requests.

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servies is a bash micro-framework that uses netcat to listen for and respond to HTTP requests.


route definitions are done using this method: [http method] [url pattern] [command]. your request handlers can be one-liners:

get "/hi/:name" echo 'hi $name, how are you??'

you can, of course, define your own commands/functions and use those as well. I won't include an example of that because it's not "dead sexy" (yeah, that's for you)

anything sent to stdout by your handler function or command will be sent back as the response body, but there's also a status and a header command that you can use to customize the status code and to add any header you want. checkout the file for an example.


required (:something) and optional (:something?) route parameters are supported. during the routing, servies will extract these values from the url and declare them as variables you can use. if you want to use variables in these, make sure to declare your handlers using single (or escape the dollar sign) quotes so that the variables are evaluated during the routing


let's say you saved your route definitions to a file named app. to start that server, just run servies app, and that will make netcat listen to requests made to your local host on port 8080 and route your requests. you can also set a PORT and/or a HOST variable to bind netcat to something other than the default


clone the repo and run make install (you may need to sudo that)


start the sample application, by running ./servies, then run make test


I wrote this and tested this using GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu), shell (sh) won't do. and that's on Linux.


I believe the only package that servies uses that does not come with most Linux distros is netcat.


I think most of what I'm going to say does without saying, but I'll say it anywa. don't use this for anything on "production." it can't handle a whole lot of usage, and let's not even get started on the security issues something like this has. I mean, you can do something like this get "/:file" cat \$file and make most of your file system avialable. and there are plenty of other ways a bash/sh command can compromise your system.

also important

if you are going to use this, then I do ask that you only browse what ever you build using Links (jk)


thank you to this SO response that showed me how to redirect nc calls to a command