Hampus Gustavsson
Hampus Gustavsson
@spookylukey: Hey Luke! After a period of pondering the idea of compiling Fluent to statically typed modules (mainly TypeScript), I decided to look for prior art and found your project....
I like the overall idea. Just a word of warning: LibGit2Sharp has been [lacking a maintainer for a couple of years](https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2sharp/issues/1834). That doesn't need to be a blocker, but you...
Try checking the CouchDb admin interface for _Active tasks_. You won't be able to see the purging specifically, but it should provide a good indication of whether the indexing etcetera...
Ahhh, _this_ is what causes it! I was about to file a bug report due to quite frequent unwanted navigations. I assumed it was triggered by sideways swipe (which I...
Furthermore, there seems to be a bug in the [custom implementation of double click detection](https://github.com/miniflux/v2/blob/780c9e36962b79ec722573a9ac771211b2e6699f/ui/static/js/touch_handler.js#L107). I can trigger double-tap-navigation by pinching-and-zooming in either the left or right half of the...
Sounds reasonable to me. I won't have time to do any implementation in the foreseeable future though, so I hope someone else is able to pick it up. To me,...
Honestly, I find that double click or double tap for navigation is an antipattern on any platform, but that's a discussion for the other issue I linked to. In terms...
> It gets more complicated with devices like 2-in-1 Windows PCs. I know on my Windows machine it would report itself as a touch device, which would then make text...
That approach sounds good to me! PR #342 (closed without merging) has multiple changes, but appears to include an implementation for sideways article swipe. Perhaps useful for inspiration. Since the...
Hi! Git Diff Margin works for me in the main repo folder. However, I get nothing in the margin for projects that are in another work tree, i.e. added with...