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ZeroMQ persistence broker
ZPER is ZeroMQ persistence broker. ZPER store ZMQ message frames to disk as is.
Inspired by Apache Kafka
- Easier to use for 0MQ developer
- 2x faster than Kafka at Producer (1.5x faster at Consumer)
- No ZooKeepr dependency
- Listen on the ROUTER socket
- Handle write requests
- Multiplex worker thread based on the topic hash
- Support replica to another ZPWriter (at 0.2)
- Listen on the ROUTER socket
- Handle fetch requests
- Handle operation requests
ZPAck (at 1.0)
- Listen on the PUB socket for public
- Connected SUB will get last sucessfully synced offset and the first frame of the message
- So try to use the first frame as a message id
- By subscribing, an application get more fined grained offset
- Listen on the inproc PULL socket for ack input from the ZPWriter
- Keep basic stats
ZPRelay (at 1.0)
- Listen on the ROUTER socket for public
- ZPRelay poll the data file and send new messages to client
- If the ZPER is restarted, ZPRelay starts to send messages from the topic's last offset.
- Offers a seamless experience
ZPController (at 2.0)
- When ZPER works as a cluster, ZPER coordinates through ZPController
- Listen on the ROUTER socket
- ZPController connects each other and shares informaion
- Client can get cluster information
- Keep basic stats
RAW format
- follows ZMTP 2.0 frame
# if a message has more frame flag |= 0x01 # when payload length is less than 255 + ----------- + ------------- + -------------------- + | 1 byte-flag | 1 byte-length | length-bytes-payload | + ----------- + ------------- + -------------------- + # when payload length exceeds 255 flag |= 0x02 + ----------- + -------------- + ---------------------+ | 1 byte-flag | 8 bytes-length | length-bytes-payload | + ----------- + -------------- + ---------------------+
# common configuration
io_threads = 2 # number of io threads
base_dir = "/data/zper" # data store base directory
segment_size = 536870912 # segment file size 512M
flush_messages = 10000 # flush every N messages
flush_interval = 1000 # flush every N milliseconds
retain_hours = 168 # cleanup segements older than 1 week
# writer configuration
writer.bind = tcp://*:5555 # writer bind address
writer.workers = 3 # number of worker threads
writer.replica.1 = tcp://addr1:port # target replica 1's address
writer.replica.2 = tcp://addr2:port # target replica 2's address
# reader configuration
reader.bind = tcp://*:5556 # reader bind address
reader.workers = 3 # number of worker threads
# ack configuration
ack.bind = tcp://*:5557
# relay configuration
relay.bind = tcp://*:5558
relay.poll = 1000 # poll every N milliseconds
# controller configuration (at 0.2)
controller.bind = tcp://*:5559
controller.quorum.1 = tcp://addr1:port # target quorum 1's address
controller.quorum.2 = tcp://addr2:port # target quorum 2's address
How to run ZPER
Start ZPER ./bin/zper-server-start.sh conf/server.properties
Stop ZPER ./bin/zper-server-stop.sh
Write messages to ZPER
- Create a DEALER, REQ or PUSH socket and set proper HWM
- Set a identity as the following format (ZMQ 3.2.2 or above is required for PUSH)
- Connect to ZPWriter. To load balance just connect to multiple ZPWriter
+ ----------------- + ----------- + ------------------- + ----- + ------------- + | 1 byte-topic-hash | 1 byte-mode | 1 byte-topic-length | topic | 16 bytes uuid | + ----------------- + ----------- + ------------------- + ----- + ------------- + Hash function is 0xff & (s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]) Flags is 0 (Fastest) : No response (DEALER and PUSH) 1 : Response at flush (DEALER) 2 (Slowest) : Response at every write (REQ)
Context ctx = ZMQ.context (1);
Socket sock = ctx.socket (ZMQ.DEALER);
sock.setIdentity (ZPUtils.genTopicIdentity (topic, 0)); // mode = 0
sock.connect ("tcp://");
while (true) {
String data = "hello";
sock.send (data);
sock.close ();
ctx.term ();
- Connect to ZPWriter and send (socket.write) messages
- Recommend to send multi frames with the first frame as a message id which will be used at the ZPAck
Fetch messages from ZPER
- Create a DEALER or REQ socket
- Set a identity as the above format
- Connect to ZPReader. To sink messages just connect to multiple ZPReader
- Send a "OFFSET" request if you don't have the last offset
- Send a "FETCH" request
# command consists of 1 command frame and variable argument frames + ----------+ | command | # command String + ----------+ | argument1 | # variable bytes depends on command + ----------+ | .... | + ----------+ | argumentN | + ----------+ # commands FETCH ( 8_bytes_offset , 8_bytes_max_bytes ) OFFSET ( 8_bytes_last_modified_millis [, 4_bytes_max_entries ] ) # -1 : oldest , -2 : latest # responses + ----------+ | status | # 1 byte common first frame + ----------+ - OK : 100 - INVALID_OFFSET : 101 - INVALID_COMMAND : 102 - INTERNAL_ERROR : -1 for fetch request for stream fetch request ( with -1 max bytes ) + ---------------+ + ---------------+ | Super Frame | | frame 1 | | + ----------+ | + ---------------+ | | frame1 | | | frame 2 | | + ----------+ | + ---------------+ | | ... | | | ... | | + ----------+ | + ---------------+ | | frameN | | | frane N | | + ----------+ | + ---------------+ + ---------------+ for offset request + ----------+ | offset1 | + ----------+ | ... | + ----------+ | offsetN | + ----------+
Context ctx = ZMQ.context (1);
Socket sock = ctx.socket (ZMQ.DEALER);
sock.setIdentity (ZPUtils.genTopicIdentity (topic, 0)); // flag = 0
sock.connect ("tcp://");
// get offset
sock.sendMore ("OFFSET");
sock.sendMore (ZPUtils.getBytes (timestamp));
sock.send (ZPUtils.getBytes (entry));
status = ZPUtils.getInt (sock.recv ()); // check status is 100
while (sock.hasReceiveMore ()) {
// 8 byte offset
long offset = ZPUtils.getLong (sock.recv ());
// fetch data
sock.sendMore ("FETCH");
sock.sendMore (ZPUtils.getBytes (offset));
sock.send (ZPUtils.getBytes (size));
status = ZPUtils.getInt (sock.recv ()); // check status is 100
MsgIterator it = ZPUtils.iterator (sock.recvMsg ());
while (it.hasNext ()) {
Msg msg = it.next ();
// Do your stuff ...
// store the last offset somewhere
lastOffset = offset + it.validBytes ()
sock.close ();
ctx.term ();
// Streaming mode (at 0.1.1)
Context ctx = ZMQ.context (1);
Socket sock = ctx.socket (ZMQ.DEALER);
sock.setIdentity (ZPUtils.genTopicIdentity (topic, 0)); // flag = 0
sock.connect ("tcp://");
// get offset, refer above
// fetch data
sock.sendMore ("FETCH");
sock.sendMore (ZPUtils.getBytes (offset));
sock.send (ZPUtils.getBytes (-1L)); // Streaming
while (true) {
Msg msg = sock.recvMsg (ZMQ.DONTWAIT);
if (msg == null)
break; // no more message
// Do your stuff ...
// store the last offset somewhere
lastOffset += ZPUtils.validBytes (msg);
sock.close ();
ctx.term ();
Fetch messages from ZPRelay (at 0.1.1)
- Create a DEALER or PULL socket
- Set a identity as the above format ((ZMQ 3.2.2 or above is required for PULL)
- Connect to ZPRelay.
- Doesn't require offset. But you can loose messages if the broker restarted.
Context ctx = ZMQ.context (1);
Socket sock = ctx.socket (ZMQ.DEALER);
sock.setIdentity (ZPUtils.genTopicIdentity (topic, 0)); // flag = 0
sock.connect ("tcp://");
while (true) {
Msg msg = sock.recvMsg ();
if (msg == null)
break; // interrupted
// Do your stuff ...
sock.close ();
ctx.term ();
Listen acks from ZPER (at 2.0)
- Create a SUB socket
- Set subscribe topics which you want to subscribe
- Connect to ZPAck
- ZPAck will send you 3 frames every time ZPWriter flush to disks
# ack consists of 3 frames + -----------+ | topic | # topic string + -----------+ | message-id | # first frame which was sent to the ZPWriter + -----------+ | offset | # 8 bytes offset of the message + -----------+
Working on Cluster (at 2.0)
- By connecting to one of ZPController, client can get node and peer information