minity copied to clipboard
Minity is a scripting language for Vanilla Minecraft
This does not work: ``` if $mx < -{?motion_threshold} { ``` nor ``` if ?motion_threshold > -$mx { ``` Workaround: ``` $mx *= -1 if ?motion_threshold > $mx { $mx...
Does not work: ``` var $mx = @s::Motion[0] ``` Workaround: ``` var $mx $mx = @s::Motion[0] ```
Feature request: `if` statement could work with conditions crafted with values accessed from NBT ## Motivation example ``` if @s::Motion[0] < 2 { // stuff... } ```
Feature request: Allow use of constants (and variables?) for defining `every` period, substitute with and without the time unit. ### Motivation example ``` every {?fuel_per_coal}s { say doing something }...
## Motivation example This does not work: ``` if @s[y_rotation=0] { say y_rotation=0 } else if @s[y_rotation=90] { // Error :C say y_rotation=90 } else if @s[y_rotation=180] { say y_rotation=180...
Feature request: `y_rotation` could use some sugar syntax in form of some keywords to compare to, like "north", "east", "west", "south", or maybe "x+", "x-", "z-", "z+". BTW: also reported...
Feature request: Allow multiline command invocation for improved readiblity. ## Motivation example ``` /summon minecraft:chest_minecart ~ ~ ~ {CustomDisplayTile:1b,DisplayOffset:6,Tags:["{?furnace_minecrat_tag}"],CustomName:'{?furnace_minecart_name_json}',DisplayState:{Name:"minecraft:furnace"}} ``` ## Expected ``` /summon minecraft:chest_minecart ~ ~ ~ { CustomDisplayTile:...
Shouldn't `every 0gt`/`every 1gt` be using `minecraft:tick` tag instead scheduling? Wouldn't it be better performance?
## Code ``` namespace minecarts_nowadays ?furnace_minecart_name_text = "Minecart with Furnace" ?furnace_minecart_name_snbt = snbt {"text":"{?furnace_minecart_name_text}"} function replace_drops #minecraft:tick { for @minecraft:furnace_minecart { /summon minecraft:chest_minecart ~ ~ ~ {CustomDisplayTile:1b,DisplayOffset:6,Tags:["furnace_minecart"],CustomName:"{?furnace_minecart_name_snbt}",DisplayState:{Name:"minecraft:furnace"}} /kill @s }...
As I were looking for workaround for #7 , I found it would be hard, since `minity` does not support single quotes nor escaping double quotes... Code ``` ?furnace_minecart_name_snbt =...