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Spike: How to run configuration tasks via code on the platform
User Story
As an MP user I want to run configuration tasks on the modernisation platform via code So that I can manage my infrastructure reliably
User Type(s)
MP Users
Enables users to run manage their infrastructure via code securely
Assumptions / Hypothesis / Questions / Unknowns
This has come out of from different requests with similar problems -
- Wanting to use Terraform to create, share and restore snapshots as part of a data refresh process.
- Wanting to use Terraform to manage a redshift cluster.
- Wanting to run Ansible against EC2s
We look into how this is possible, potential ideas include pipelines using the configuration management repo and OIDC. See this slack thread for more context.
How to do this securely so that people can't access other people account if using a single repo. Which tools to use? Terraform, Ansible, both? Are there others which may be better or requested in the future?
Definition of done
- [ ] spike completed and findings presented to the team
- [ ] issues created if further action required
- [ ] another team member has reviewed
- [ ] tests are green
- [ ] UR test OR added to continual research plan
@davidkelliott to write an ADR for what we have so far