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Complete production ready checklist for PPUD
User Story
Prior to PPUD going live in production complete the following checklist:
User Type(s)
MP engineers
Ensure code quality and security of the platform
Questions / Assumptions / Hypothesis
Definition of done
- [ ] checklist complete
- [ ] another team member has reviewed
- For public facing interfaces - Create DDoS alarms, enable SRT access, enable Layer 7 Mitigation for ELBs.
- All EC2 instances have the AWS Systems Manage Session Manager SSM Agent installed. -- Complete. There's currently an jump server but it'll be removed before going live.
- Infrastructure code has been reviewed and signed off by a Modernisation Platform engineer. -- Reviewed, the ec2 instance names as well as building different ones in different environments feels a bit like test environments are just completely different to prod.
- The application runbook (` in the application folder in the modernisation-platform-environments repository) has been completed. -- Incomplete
- The application conforms to the MoJ Technical Guidance and MoJ Security Guidance
- The application has been tested. -- Complete
- Appropriate application monitoring and logging is in place.
- There is an application support team in place and their contact details are in the application runbook. -- Incomplete
- The Modernisation Platform team are aware of any cutover/migration dates/times and have agreed additional cover if required.
Outstanding Work
- Remove Jump Server before live date.
Outstanding Work
- Remove Jump Server before go live date.
- Update README with contact details as well as other parts.
- Confirm go live date does not change.
- Runbook creation is in process for Lumen support guys, however I have requested it be shared with Mod Platform also. This needs to be there for support.
- Naming convention isn’t for me. Not sure this is anything to change, what do the team think?
- Service support documentation to be created following
- Need to run through this a few weeks after go live -
Go live date moved to end of month.
Asked Mark Hardy to update
I'll take over on this from @ep-93
Not sure what the jump server name is / would be, but I don't see any evidence of an instance with that name nor a bastion host. The readme has been updated. Confirmed that the production ready checklist has been completed