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Delete EBS snapshots tagged as Prometheus and created by velero
We received an alert related to EBS Active snapshots, where the limit is 100000 and the current usage is 80205.
Looking further noticed that we have snapshots from “2019/05/28”
Proposed user journey
Agree with the team and delete prometheus snapshots older than 1 month
Create a new lifecycle EBS snapshot policy to delete snapshots tagged as Prometheus and created by velero older than 1 month
Also, create a script running in a pipeline to delete test cluster snapshots.
snapshots_to_delete=$(aws ec2 describe-snapshots --owner-ids self --query 'Snapshots[?StartTime<=
2019-06-15`].SnapshotId' --output text)
echo "List of snapshots to delete: $snapshots_to_delete"
actual deletion
for snap in $snapshots_to_delete; do
aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id $snap
get prometheus tagged snapshots: aws ec2 describe-snapshots --owner-ids self --query 'Snapshots[?!not_null(Tags[?Key ==
Which part of the user docs does this impact
Questions / Assumptions
Definition of done
- [ ] EBS snapshots tagged as Prometheus and created by velero deleted older than 1 month
- [ ] Test cluster snapshots deleted older than 1 month
- [ ] New lifecycle EBS snapshot policy to delete snapshots tagged as Prometheus
- [ ] Pipeline to delete test snapshorts