minio-dotnet copied to clipboard
Version 4.0.4 - Strong name signature could not be verified
Just like in #643, we are seeing problems with the strong name signature in 4.0.4 when running in a .NET 4.8 Framework (ASP.NET WebSite/Application)
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2 (19044.1741), Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0 VS: VS 2022 Enterprise
Default ASP.NET Web Application (WebForms)
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Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
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Downgrading to 4.0.0 (4.0.3 still has the signature error) works, but 4.0.4 contains fixes that I want to try.
Same problem here
Getting the same issue with version 4.0.5, in .NET 4.8 Framework website/apps
Getting the same issue with version 4.0.5, in .NET 4.8 Framework website
Getting the same issue with version 4.0.5, in a .NET 4.8 Framework WebForms project. Reverting to latest v3 makes project work again.
Can an issue be ralated to logic changed here?
I'm getting the exact same error under .NET Framework 4.8 and Minio 4.0.5. Downgrading to 4.0.0 seems to be the only option at the moment.
Getting the same issue with version 4.0.6, in .NET 4.8 Framework website. 🙁
@itssimple, @brz , @anton-chayka , @ddudda174 , @heidgert , @VI-oscar
It looks like this is a known issue in the Microsoft .NET and Visual Studio community and it is called DLL Hell
. Here is the definition I found on the internet (Dotnet DLL Hell):
A modern application depends on dozens of libraries that are usually consumed
by NuGet packages. Each of those libraries depends on a dozen other libraries.
Consider that some of those dependencies might be shared. Libraries like
`Newtonsoft.Json` or `Serilog` are so common that every other applications
or library uses them..
Another reference I found is a visual studio msbuild errors link. The problem is explained in the above link as:
MSB3277: Found conflicts between different versions of 'assembly' that could not be resolved
This error occurs during a build when more than one version of the same dependent assembly
is referenced in a build of the same project.
The Global Assembly Cache (GAC) might also be a source of a potential conflict, in cases
where you are referencing a specific version of an assembly, but the GAC overrides it.
I believe, in your cases, the issue is either GAC has references to old DLLs and/or MVC Web Applications dependency on Newtonsoft.Json
clashes with MinIO nuget package dependency on the same package.
To resolve the clash, our very first option is to use Binding redirects
, but this works at runtime and it can lead to all sorts of trouble. The trouble depends on which version ends up being loaded.
So, I am searching and working on a permanent resolution, if any, out of quite many different resolutions/recommendations out there.
I'll share my findings as soon as I put together a list of possible ways to resolve this issue.
Why was this closed? #712 refers to this issue, but I don't see a clean solution so far. Or was this fixed with #643 ?
@tih2010 ,
#712 is closed as a duplicate of this issue as they are the same problem. So, this issue still tracks the problem.
Please take this as a note: I think PR#732, currently in the code review process, might also address this issue as MinIO .Net SDK
removes the dependency on the Newtonsoft.Json
package, which I think was causing this issue and #712.
@ebozduman Can you review this again?
@martijn00 I am not sure what you mean by 'review this'. Do you mean if this issue is addressed by PR#732 or not?
What I mean is that it could possible be fixed by #732 but i haven't checked. Since that PR the new build system is used, which is better and more stable. If you check if it works now, you can close this issue
Got it.
This is something we could not reproduce in house. So, we would like to have one or more people who are interested in this issue's fix, some of them namely; @itssimple, @brz , @anton-chayka , @ddudda174 , @heidgert , @VI-oscar and @tih2010, to test it. Obviously, if anybody volunteers to test it, s/he needs to sync and build from the top of the master branch at this point. Otherwise, we have to wait for the next release for testing.
This is something we could not reproduce in house. So, we would like to have one or more people who are interested in this issue's fix, some of them namely; @itssimple, @brz , @anton-chayka , @ddudda174 , @heidgert , @VI-oscar and @tih2010, to test it. Obviously, if anybody volunteers to test it, s/he needs to sync and build from the top of the master branch at this point. Otherwise, we have to wait for the next release for testing.
@ebozduman yes, I can confirm that Minio v.5.0.0 (.netstandard 2.0 for .net framework 4.8) is working fine! I've built it from master branch and pack it with dotnet pack
. No exception Strong name signature could not be verified was issued. Previously I could reproduce this exception on my env.
Thank you @anton-chayka
Closing this issue as fixed by PR #732