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[SOLVED] Problem with installing the app in MDS (node on Ubuntu server, without desktop)
For participants: Don't take any action until you've read all the way through. The real cause of the problem is at the end.
I'll try to describe it step by step: After I switched to Mainnet, I did not access the server with the Minima node installed for a long time. Yesterday I found out that the Minima node was down:
- Doesn't give out status;
- did not show the version of the node;
- It does not show the seed-phrase.
Minima node installed in Docker Attempts to restart Docker did nothing:
sudo docker stop minima9001
sudo docker start minima9001
Attempting to run the update script did not give a positive result either:
docker run --name watchtower_runonce -e WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP=true -e WATCHTOWER_TIMEOUT=60s -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower --run-once
Trying to resync the node did not solve the problem:
archive action:resync host:auto
I decided to try uninstalling the Docker container and reinstalling it and then restore the data from the backup:
sudo docker stop minima9001
sudo docker rm minima9001
sudo rm -rf minimadocker9001
After deleting, I entered the command (with my password for MDS):
docker run -d -e minima_mdspassword=MY_PASSWORD_MDS -e minima_server=true -v ~/minimadocker9001:/home/minima/data -p 9001-9004:9001-9004 --restart unless-stopped --name minima9001 minimaglobal/minima:latest
The command to view the logs:
docker logs minima9001
docker exec -it minima9001 minima
Attempting to check the version:
curl -s | jq '{'Version':.response.version,'Block height':.response.chain.block,'Block time':.response.chain.time}'
Doesn't give out anything:
I then tried to log in to MDS using my browser.
First I went to port 9004
Got a warning and approved it:
Then I went to port 9003
I entered my login and got to MDS - there is a blank screen (no apps installed)
Clicking on the plus sign, I selected the previously downloaded archive with the terminal, from the website:
A spinning wheel appeared, which rotates to infinity (the application is not installed):
⚠️ How to solve this problem? How to restore normal operation of the Minima node
After reinstalling the Minima node with the following command:
docker run -d -e minima_mdspassword=MY_PASSWORD_MDS -e minima_rpcenable=true -e minima_rpcpassword=MY_PASSWORD_RPC -e minima_server=true -v ~/minimadocker9001:/home/minima/data -p 9001-9004:9001-9004 -p 127. --restart unless-stopped --name minima9001 minimaglobal/minima:latest
The node worked and I was able to restore the data from the backup. Now I can see through my MobaXterm SSH terminal the status of the node and the amount of coins, ⚠️but I still can't install the applications to MDS.
Also when installing a Minima node with the above command I could not add a parameter: -e minima_rpcssl=true For some reason with this parameter the node does not show status and number of coins.
⚠️How can I solve the problem with the installation of applications in MDS?
I have solved this problem.
Simply uninstalling the container and reinstalling it does not help:
docker stop minima9001
docker rm minima9001
sudo rm -rf minimadocker9001
docker run -d -e minima_mdspassword=MY_PASSWORD_MDS -e minima_rpcenable=true -e minima_rpcpassword=MY_PASSWORD_RPC -e minima_server=true -v ~minimadocker9001:/home/minima/data -p 9001-9004 -p 127. --restart unless-stopped --name minima9001 minimaglobal/minima:latest
This one does not work.☝🏻
It helps to completely delete everything, roughly speaking, format the VPS and then install everything from scratch. Requires docker Minima to be built from scratch.
After these steps, you must restore the data from the backup. If the backup is fresh, then:
restore the file: password:
If the backup is old, then:
restoresync file: password:
If the backup was created automatically, it has no password.
I used the backup from May 9, 2023 (old, created automatically and is in minimadocker9001) - I used the command
restoresync file:minima-backup-1683638985908.bak
Or you can do it like this:
restoresync file:/home/minima/data/minima-backup-1683638985908.bak
My coins were restored and so were the transactions.
If you don't have a backup, you can restore it with the seed phrase like this
archive action:resync phrase: "YOUR 24 WORD SEED PHRASE HERE" host:auto keys:1000
In my case, the cause of the problem was incorrect port forwarding. I have everything built on LXD containers One LXD container for one node only (so that the problem of one node does not affect other nodes).
In my case: The external IP and external ports are different from the internal IP and internal ports of the LXD containers.
I redirected my external_IP:9033 to internal_IP:9003 and redirected external_IP:9044 to internal_IP:9004
I went to https://внешний_IP:9044 in my browser which redirected to internal_IP:9004 and approved the connection (I turned off the antivirus for a while) Then I went to https://внешний_IP:9033 which redirected to internal_IP:9003 --> entered password and got to empty MDS (no applications). In the browser I pressed F12 and selected Console. From that point, everything made sense - the browser is knocking on port 9034, not port 9044. Redirected the external_IP:9034 to the internal_IP:9004 and the MDS immediately showed all the applications.