examples copied to clipboard
New code/example required for Minikube 1.24+ because of switch to cri-dockerd & cni
Using minikube versions 1.24 and later on Travis requires additional steps like:
- downloading/installing a recent go compiler (like 1.19)
- downloading/compiling/installing latest containerd-cni from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containerd/containerd/
- downloading/compiling/installing latest cri-dockerd from https://github.com/Mirantis/cri-dockerd.git
- installing latest crictl from https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools/
It took me 10+ hours to figure the right combination of steps to make containers start up. However, the container-cni library, while recognized by minikube, doesn't seem to actually configure the networking correctly in minikube because the pods are not able to talk to the outside internet (i.e. the containers still seem to be on host/null networks under docker0 instead of on the cni0 bridge created by containerd-cni).
Once we get this figured out, for long term I really think this makes sense to have these pieces be offered pre-installed by Travis similar to what it does for:
- docker