react-photoswipe copied to clipboard
Gallery won't open on load page with pid and gid in params
Gallery won't open on load page with pid and gid in params: http://localhost:3000/dashboard/company/1/gallery#&gid=1&pid=1 should open gallery with photo (gid = 1, pid = 1)
I'm trying to just get the instance of PhotoSwipe
to open by default, but setting isOpen={true}
doesn't do anything. It results in an empty photoswipe instance.
Hi, faced the same issue, isOpen should be definitely working, but it's not here is how I made it work
is items add id <PhotoSwipeGallery items={[ {src, thumbnail, id: pictureId} ]}
add id to img in thumbnailContent={item => <img id={} src={item.thumbnail} width={400} height={400} style={{cursor: 'zoom-in'}} /> }
if gid is in url then call this function: openGallery(gid) { const image = document.getElementById(gid) var evObj = document.createEvent('Events'); evObj.initEvent('click', true, false); image.dispatchEvent(evObj); }
if you have more than 1 picture per gallery then you can use pid instead and simulate click by pid