Dominik Marczuk
Dominik Marczuk
Hm. This should work then. Yet it completely borks my TypeScript compiler. The code I used was something along these lines: ``` import * as ROT from "rot-js"; // ...irrelevant...
I'll try to determine that after work today. Using the contents of `src/` isn't exactly a possibility when rot.js is installed via npm. It will resolve to what `package.json` points...
OK, I fiddled around a bit with the project and it seems I can use it after all, albeit not without adjustments. Here's my test code: ``` import * as...
@ondras I guess this remark really goes to you. Is a new build process acceptable? If so, I'm more than happy to help when I find some spare time.
@lostfictions My guess would be that type declarations and closure compiler have nothing to do with each other. Type declarations are produced by tsc, `tsconfig.json` is configured to produce them:...
> rot.js is primarily meant for client-side development. The node support is something naturally available due to the language used, but my wild guess is that 80% of rot.js use...
>You want the green part, except that the files shall be using CommonJS instead of ES6 modules. Am I correct? In a nutshell, yes. This would solve my issues as...
Also, I have an unrelated question (sorry to pollute the topic, but I really don't want to open a new issue just to ask this): what is `RestrictiveShadowcasting` based on?...
Sorry, I meant `PreciseShadowcasting`.
> That is precisely the package I am using. Oh, I was sure you were calling the Java application. Forget I said anything then. > Right, nobody is expecting you...