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Github trending restful API

Github Trending API

This is A python API to get Github Trending(repos, developers) with Flask

API Docs

1, Trending Repos

Desc: Get Trending repos list

API: /api/github/trending/?since=(daily,weekly,monthly)

Method: GET


Parameter Desc Form Type Optional Remark
lang language path String optional similar to github trending page
since time span query String optional daily,weekly,monthly


A Repo list, each Repo including:

Parameter Desc Type Remark
avatar owner's avatar url String url string
owner owner name String /
repo repo name String /
desc repo description String /
stars stars during the time span String /
link repo address String /


Request url:

Response data:

    avatar: "",
    desc: "A framework for building native apps with React.",
    link: "https://github.comfacebook/react-native",
    owner: "facebook",
    repo: "react-native",
    stars: 417
    avatar: "",
    desc: "A small android library to transition between a circular ImageView from one Activity to a rectangular ImageView in the launched Activity.",
    link: "https://github.comvikramkakkar/ImageTransition",
    owner: "vikramkakkar",
    repo: "ImageTransition",
    stars: 206

2, Trending Developers

Desc: Get Trending Developers list

API: /api/github/trending/?since=(daily,weekly,monthly)

Method: GET


Parameter Desc Form Type Optional Remark
lang language path String optional similar to github trending page
since time span query String optional daily,weekly,monthly


A Developer list, each developer including:

Parameter Desc Type Remark
avatar developer's avatar url String url string
name developer name String /
full_name developer full name String originName(NickName)
link developer page link String /


Request url:

Response data:

    avatar: "",
    full_name: "facebook (Facebook)",
    link: "",
    name: "facebook"
    avatar: "",
    full_name: "wangshaolei (fearless)",
    link: "",
    name: "wangshaolei"


Since I have an opensource project --- CoderPub need the github trending data, but Github DONOT provide the trending api for developer, so, wrote this project to grab the "Github Trending Page" and use BeautifulSoup to parser it, use Flask to provide the Trending API.

This project already deployed at LeanCloud, (free host, has limit).

You can use this URL: visit the api.

Wish Enjoy it.