lenovo-thinkcentre-m93p-hackintosh copied to clipboard
wifi and BT BCM94352HMB install
hi I recently found this project and followed up with it.
my Lenovo m93p tiny has very similar configuration like yours. but I didnt upgrade CPU, kept the original for now. I have got the HDMI audio working too :). I can share the EFI if you like to have a look.
I am thinking adding a wifi and BT BCM94352HMB mini PCIe half like yours. but I have no clue how to install the antenna . I did find the card in aliexpress - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32741568941.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.17b43c00nZPTar, which has the laptop antenna.
I wonder how you install the card with the antenna for both wifi and BT.