Ming Qi
Ming Qi
Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with your code without more details. I've achieved the mAP of 82+ with the following settings: * lr=0.0002(adam), * bs=4, * size=800, * epoch=100,...
如果还是不行可以试试这个模型:https://github.com/ming71/Cascade-Rotated-RetinaNet, 加了box refinement,对参数更加鲁棒,只要设置不太离谱可以上86+
建议加上data augment,单尺度就行,adam训练,很容易上80
如果调试还是不行可以试试这个模型:https://github.com/ming71/Cascade-Rotated-RetinaNet, 一样的代码架构,额外加了box refinement,对参数更加鲁棒,只要设置不太离谱可以上86+
> 大佬你好,你之前提到这个项目检测效果不理想的问题解决了吗?我也遇到了相同的问题,不知道你做了哪些尝试?希望得到回复,十分感谢! 这个repo我没跑通就放弃了,自己写了一个,感兴趣你可以关注一下,我github有
Hi, thanks for your report. It's not a bug for me, since I've converted images into .bmp type before running converter here. I'm glad that the code helps a lot!...
> 哇,我今天刚好刷微信看到你们在赛博智能上发的公众号,里面的iccv顶会的开源链接就是这个,感谢dalao! 请问是iccv哪篇论文啊?想膜拜一下
Oriented bounding box training is not supported in this repo. You can modify some codes to regress extra theta to make it.