Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel
Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel
Swap out pregnancy smoking dataset for A/B testing. Any good datasets for this?
The first sheet in `datasets.xlsx` is `iris`. Would be good to replace that with another dataset, or just remove it and use the remaining sheets.
In IMS we're using residuals vs. predicted. In multiple regression chapters of this book we're also using residuals vs. predicted. We should use those (as opposed to residuals vs. x)...
https://github.com/OpenIntroStat/openintro-statistics/blob/627e3852eb04c3a8413501c1eccf1ad9b38f2c0c/ch_inference_for_means/TeX/ch_inference_for_means.tex#L3151 This should say three groups
The provenance of some of the random samples of Cherry Blossom data are iffy. In the next round of edits let's use the datasets from 📦 [cherryblossom](https://github.com/openintrostat/cherryblossom) and add any...
It doesn't look like it's updated annually, and the current package has 2017 data
In the lubridate cheatsheet (last updated 2021-07), specifically the Periods section on the second page, there is a reference to a `months(x)` function. I initially thought that the months function...
We agreed to do this for search engine reasons at https://www.rstudio.com/resources/cheatsheets/ so the PDFs should follow suit in the next iteration.