errormoji icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
errormoji copied to clipboard

®️ errors, in emoji

😤 ➡️ 🤣

Errors can be frustrating, but could they also be fun?

This repo is inspired by a random tweet of mine which made me realize that there are others out there who enjoy emoji puzzles.

Deciphering errors can be difficult and frustrating, but maybe seeing them in emoji form would help lighten things a bit?

Note that I'm not suggesting we replace R errors with emojis (that might make them even more frustrating!), but I can see a venue for these in blog posts, class notes, talks, etc.

The translations are organized in two groups:

  • verbose = FALSE: without any explanation
  • verbose = TRUE: some explanation on where the error comes from, why it might be happening, and how it can be resolved

If you have suggestions for R error/emoji translations to add or want to request a translation, please see the contributing guidelines.



verbose = FALSE

  • 📦/📛🌌 🚚 ☹️
    Package or namespace load failed

  • 🚶‍♂️⬅️🚪 🔱 👑 1️⃣
    Exited with status 1

  • 💡 ⌨️ 𝍏 ❌🔪
    Object of type closure is not subsettable

  • 🗂(🗂, ®️✝️) ❌📭🖇
    Error in file(file, “rt”): cannot open the connection

  • 🌫️🏛️🔘
    Undefined columns selected

  • ❌🔢 🗣 ➡️ 0️⃣1️⃣ 👩‍⚕️
    Non-numeric argument to binary operator

  • 🤷‍♀️💰 👍/👎 🍞
    Missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

  • 💲👩‍⚕️🤕⚛️↗️
    $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

verbose = TRUE

  • 💡❌🕵️‍♀️
    Object not found

    • ❓: Object not defined in the active workspace.
    • ✅: If working in the console, check your environment tab, and if the object is not listed there, define it. If working in an R Markdown file, define the object prior to the code chunk resulting in this error.
  • 👩‍⚕️🔪 🚫 ❌ 🏃‍↔️ 📖
    Operation not allowed without an active reactive context

    • 📦: shiny
    • ❓: You are trying to access a "reactive" element inside the Shiny server function, but outside any of the reactive functions such as renderTable() or renderPlot() etc.
    • ✅: Wrap it inside a reactive() or place inside a render*() function.
  • 🗺 ❗️ 🐣 🎨
    ⏩ 😦 ➕ 😄 ❓
    Error: mapping must be created by aes()
    Did you use %>% instead of +?

    • 📦: ggplot2
    • ❓: You are using the pipe operator with ggplot()
    • ✅: Replace ggplot() %>% geom_*() with ggplot() + geom_*()