mongoose-diff-history copied to clipboard
Problem when saving URL in diff
I have this document where i saved the URL and sources in array of object. Here is an example of how my json look like:
"sources": [{
"url": "",
"title":"URL example",
"url": "",
"title":"URL example 2"
This is what happened in diff when I try to edit and save the url from to
"sources": {"1": "url": ["@@-57,8+57,41@@xamples/+#Example_1httpswebsitebuilderscom", "0", "2"]}
If you notice, the url are completely butchered. It seems like it combines both url (original and updated) into one encoded url. Somehow it happen to some of the url only especially the long one. Can you check please?
Take a look at I think u are looking at the patch difference. For reverse applying it to get back the previous version
@flippyang do you still have an issue?
I don't have this issue.
If you want to save without text diff. You need to path textDiff option to jsondiffpatch
const diffPatcher = require('jsondiffpatch').create({ objectHash, textDiff:{minLength:1000} });