Milo Ivir

Results 49 comments of Milo Ivir

@domesticmouse Thanks for the info. As I expected my Mac is simply too old ... I think you can close this issue.

IMO, it would be good, if there where some informations about translations. Either as suggested by me above, or in some other way.

@johannesjo Yes, I've seen that information. IMO, it's something developers/programmers would notice. But this information is not directly noticable for (potential) users of the app. Standard application users need a...

@johannesjo If you do decide to use a translation platform to translate the app, it would be great, if you'd also enable to translate the website content – ideally, the...

OK. Please take a look at #693.

thanks for your answer. i've subscribed to the mailing list and will check the translation as needed. in the mean time, do integrate my croatian translation. > friedelwolff hat am...

> I'm still unable to reproduce the copying problem (could it be that you selected the longer text previously?), No. At least I don't think so ... - I open...

> Again, this high-level overview is insufficient. I _tried_ doing this kind of guessed steps. I couldn't reproduce what you report. There are relevant details that matter and that are...

**Pleeeease** excuse my comment about my last version ... I completely forgot to specify it ... sorry. I was definitely not trying to be funny ... I just updated to...

I aggree with @KovalevArtem! Implementing Weblate would be great! Esspecially because it is not clear to me how many/which strings need to be translated. The amount of translatable strings in...