osintstalker copied to clipboard
I solved 2 bugs but cannot commit
So I'll put my code here 1st bug: alert from facebook to authorize notifications add the following lines in #Chrome Options line 50
prefs = {"profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications":2}
2nd bug: pygraphml import, replace lines 17-21 by:
from pygraphml import GraphMLParser
from pygraphml import Graph
from pygraphml import Node
from pygraphml import Edge
3rd bug: update name of div for friends: replace corresponding lines by
friendBlockData = soup.findAll("div",{"class" : "_3ul._gli.5_und"})
friendNameData = soup.findAll("div", {"class" : "_5d-5"})
how about forking the codebase? There has been no movement on the codebase since 2014.
I am not on this "project" anymore so I'm too lazy to do that, sorry.
points for honesty!
@bixiou @darrellodonnell @milo2012 Hello i have not understand. with what version python programming windows works this script. and tell us how works installation and compilation. cordialy thank you.