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poi-object-mapper copied to clipboard

Object mapper for Office formats - Excel files, Spreadsheets, etc.

Results 29 poi-object-mapper issues
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I've one excel file column name - XYZ and another excel with column Name ABC . The column data is same in both the excels Does the poi-object mapper supports...

This pull request fixes https://github.com/millij/poi-object-mapper/issues/47 (All cells are nulls if setter returns anything but void) Fixed by using a different `PropertyDescriptor`. @millij Please review and merge.

This pull request fixes https://github.com/millij/poi-object-mapper/issues/58 (`SpreadsheetWriter` creates columns for methods that are not annotated with `@SheetColumn`) There is a bug in the implementation as currently: A method is skipped if...

`SpreadsheetWriter` creates columns for methods that are not annotated with `@SheetColumn` Using `SpreadsheetWriterTest#test_write_xls_single_sheet` as an example: Actual: Expected:

This PR got merged branches from previous PR #48 Please check this PR after merging the older PR #48 This PR is raised to address the issue #35 This branch...

This PR got merged branches from previous PR #48 Please check this PR after merging the older PR #48 This PR is raised to address the issue #22

Modified **Spreadsheet.getColumnNames( )** method. Added new method **Spreadsheet.getIndexToPropertyMap( )**. Modified exisitng method **getPropertyToColumnNameMap( )** to avoid the non-annotated methods in written sheet. **("tring")** Added test-cases.

Modified entire XlsxReader.java file: Replaced HSSF in XlsReader.java with XSSF everywhere and did the same logics. Created two new methods "getFormats()" and "getFormulaCols" to store data about the columns that...

The following code will read rows and cells but will not map them to the class if setCaseId returns link to itself. ``` @Sheet public class **Table** { @SheetColumn("Case ID")...


In some cases we need to hide some columns from the end user. In such case we can add new annotation on that property in order the library will ignore...