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Compilation with node-sass failed (v1.02)
Hello, the compilation using node-sass failed, throwing this error:
{ "status": 1, "file": "/var/www/html/presta/modules/masmybanners/lib/scss/modals.scss", "line": 45, "column": 10, "message": "\".modal-trigger\" failed to @extend \".btn--raised\".\nThe selector \".btn--raised\" was not found.\nUse \"@extend .btn--raised !optional\" if the extend should be able to fail.", "formatted": "Error: \".modal-trigger\" failed to @extend \".btn--raised\".\n The selector \".btn--raised\" was not found.\n Use \"@extend .btn--raised !optional\" if the extend should be able to fail.\n on line 45 of scss/modals.scss\n>> \t@extend .btn--raised;\n ---------^\n" }
import './buttons' at the top of modals.scss fixed the issue.
best regards