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andLess android music player
andLess was converted from subversion and downloaded from:
This README is from:
- Android SDK and NDK v.1.6r1 or later
- JRE & JDK 1.6
- Eclipse 3.5
- ADT plug-in for Eclipse, v0.9.5 or later
- GNU make
The following assumes that your operating system is Linux. I didn't try this in Windows, but I think it should be straightforward.
Install and setup the above tools if you didn't do it yet.
Download the sources from this SVN:
svn checkout andLess
Go to your NDK root directory
cd apps/lossless
Create the file "apps/lossless/" containing two lines:
APP_PROJECT_PATH := $(call my-dir)/project APP_MODULES := alac ape flac wav wv mpc lossless
In apps/lossless, make a link called "project" pointing to the directory where you've unpacked the andLess sources (full path)
For NDK version 1.6, change the following line in
diff -r android-ndk-1.6_r1.orig/build/core/ android-ndk-1.6_r1/build/core/ 166c166 < $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): PRIVATE_STATIC_LIBRARIES := $(static_libraries) --- > $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): PRIVATE_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES := $(static_libraries)
Go to the NDK root dir and "make APP=lossless" to get "" in its proper place, so that it'll get added to the .apk when you build the java code.
Import the Java part of this project to Eclipse and build it.
You should get an installable apk package containing the library.
Update for Windows users: andLess was reported to compile with ndk-r4 & 5 using (thanks vrix yan)