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craft_kint copied to clipboard

Adds Kint, an in-app PHP debugger, to Craft CMS for use in Twig and PHP.

Kint plugin for Craft CMS (Craft 2.x version)

Adds Kint, an in-app PHP debugger, to Craft CMS for use in Twig and PHP.



To install Kint, follow these steps:

  1. Download & unzip the file and place the kint directory into your craft/plugins directory
  2. -OR- do a git clone directly into your craft/plugins folder. You can then update it with git pull
  3. Install plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings > Plugins

Kint works on Craft 2.4.x and Craft 2.5.x.

Kint Overview

Kint is an interactive debugger for PHP applications. Full documentation is available at

Its advantages include that it can be run out of devMode (though you would not want to use it in a public setting), and it is interactive, with keyboard shortcuts to expand and collapse objects, separates content from methods, etc.

Configuring Kint

No configuration required, but you can set the theme that Kint will use within the plugin's settings screen.

Using Kint


d (dump)

{{ d(someTwigVariable) }} or {{ craft.kint.d(someTwigVariable) }}

This is the simplest usage, and will output an interactive debugger for the variable passed in.

dd (dump and die)

{{ dd(someTwigVariable) }} or {{ craft.kint.dd(someTwigVariable) }}

This works the same way as the d (dump) command, except it will cause output to end immediately after the debugger is returned.

s (simple dump)

{{ s(someTwigVariable) }} or {{ craft.kint.s(someTwigVariable) }}

This works essentially the same way as the built-in Twig dump method, and returns a plain text debugging output.

sd (simple dump and die)

{{ sd(someTwigVariable) }} or {{ }}

Same as above, but with output ending immediately after the plain text debugging output is returned.

time (point-in-time memory usage and timestamp)

{{ time() }} or {{ craft.kint.time }}

Basic reporting of memory usage at the time that the command is run, as well as a timestamp. If used multiple times, it will also report the time since it was last called and average duration.


All of the above functions are also exposed through services, though Kint does put its functions into PHP un-namespaced as well. In the future I may try to fork it and just expose everything though one central object to keep things clean.

Kint Changelog

1.0.0 -- 2016.02.15

  • Initial release

1.0.1 -- 2016.02.15

  • Fixed issue that caused crash when a theme was not selected from settings page

1.0.2 -- 2016.02.16

  • Fixed issue where raw JS could be shown on page if script tags with double-quotes were used
  • Removed reference to Kint's path being included below the debugger

1.1.0 -- 2016.02.16

  • Added Twig functions d, dd, s, sd, and time for easier usage


  • Thank you to Rokas Šleinius, the developer of Kint - he welcomes donations at Kint's website
  • Icon created by Lemon Liu from the Noun Project

Brought to you by Mildly Geeky