actions-file-deployer copied to clipboard
Files over a certain size are only partially uploaded (FTP)
With every deployment action I run, any files over a certain size (seems to be 48 KiB) error with Fatal error: max-retries exceeded
and the end result is that an incomplete file (48 KiB in size) is left on the server.
Here's the log from the last deployment.
It's just using FTP, not SFTP or FTPS. Normal FTP connections work absolutely fine.
Any ideas?
Protocol: ftp
Synchronization: delta
Local path: .
Remote path: /public_html
Upload files: 1
Delete files: 0
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
<--- 451-Error during read from data connection
<--- 451-Transfer aborted
<--- 451 0.212 seconds (measured here), 75.52 Kbytes per second
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
<--- 451-Error during read from data connection
<--- 451-Transfer aborted
<--- 451 0.217 seconds (measured here), 73.84 Kbytes per second
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
<--- 451-Error during read from data connection
<--- 451-Transfer aborted
<--- 451 0.217 seconds (measured here), 73.56 Kbytes per second
mput: System/modules/appointments/lib/ Fatal error: max-retries exceeded
/home/runner/work/[redacted]/[redacted]/.deploy-running -> ftp://***@***:21***.deploy-running 0-0
/home/runner/work/[redacted]/[redacted]/.deploy-revision -> ftp://***@***:21***.deploy-revision 0-41 54 B/s
This is unusual error. Try enabling debug
input which should show verbose output of FTP commands.
Sorry for the delay, I finally got around to doing this. The output is below. The file that failed to upload was public_html/System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
---- Connecting to *** ([redacted]) port 21
---> FEAT
<--- 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
<--- 220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
<--- 220-Local time is now 12:43. Server port: 21.
<--- 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
<--- 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
<--- 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
<--- 211-Extensions supported:
<--- UTF8
<--- EPRT
<--- IDLE
<--- MDTM
<--- SIZE
<--- MFMT
<--- MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
<--- MLSD
<--- PRET
<--- PBSZ
<--- PROT
<--- TVFS
<--- ESTA
<--- PASV
<--- EPSV
<--- ESTP
<--- 211 End.
<--- 234 AUTH TLS OK.
---> USER ***
Certificate: CN=*.[redacted]
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Checking against: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Certificate: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Issued by: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Checking against: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Certificate: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Comodo CA Limited,CN=AAA Certificate Services
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
<--- 504 Unknown command
<--- 331 User *** OK. Password required
---> OPTS MLST type;size;modify;UNIX.mode;UNIX.uid;UNIX.gid;
---> PWD
---> PBSZ 0
---> PROT P
<--- 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
<--- 504 Unknown command
<--- 200 MLST OPTS type;size;sizd;modify;UNIX.mode;UNIX.uid;UNIX.gid;unique;
<--- 257 "/" is your current location
<--- 200 PBSZ=0
<--- 200 Data protection level set to "private"
---> TYPE I
---> PRET STOR public_html/.deploy-running
---> PASV
---> STOR public_html/.deploy-running
<--- 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
<--- 200 Ready to proceed
<--- 227 Entering Passive Mode ([redacted],133,117)
---- Connecting data socket to ([redacted]) port 34165
---- Data connection established
<--- 150 Accepted data connection
Certificate: CN=*.[redacted]
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Checking against: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Certificate: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Issued by: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Checking against: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Certificate: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Comodo CA Limited,CN=AAA Certificate Services
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
---- Closing data socket
<--- 226 File successfully transferred
---> MFMT 20240822114339 public_html/.deploy-running
<--- 213 UTIME OK
---- Connecting to *** ([redacted]) port 21
---> MKD public_html
---> FEAT
<--- 550 Can't create directory: File exists
mkdir failed: Access failed: 550 Can't create directory: File exists (/public_html)
---> PRET STOR public_html/.deploy-revision
---> PASV
---> STOR public_html/.deploy-revision
<--- 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
<--- 220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed.
<--- 220-Local time is now 12:43. Server port: 21.
<--- 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
<--- 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
<--- 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
<--- 211-Extensions supported:
<--- UTF8
<--- EPRT
<--- IDLE
<--- MDTM
<--- SIZE
<--- MFMT
<--- MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
<--- MLSD
<--- PRET
<--- PBSZ
<--- PROT
<--- TVFS
<--- ESTA
<--- PASV
<--- EPSV
<--- ESTP
<--- 211 End.
<--- 200 Ready to proceed
<--- 227 Entering Passive Mode ([redacted],185,148)
---- Connecting data socket to ([redacted]) port 47508
<--- 234 AUTH TLS OK.
---> USER ***
---- Data connection established
Certificate: CN=*.[redacted]
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Checking against: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Certificate: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Issued by: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Checking against: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Certificate: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Comodo CA Limited,CN=AAA Certificate Services
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
<--- 150 Accepted data connection
Certificate: CN=*.[redacted]
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Checking against: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Certificate: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Issued by: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Checking against: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Certificate: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Comodo CA Limited,CN=AAA Certificate Services
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
---- Closing data socket
<--- 226-File successfully transferred
<--- 226 0.000 seconds (measured here), 194.37 Kbytes per second
---> MFMT 20240822114339 public_html/.deploy-revision
<--- 504 Unknown command
<--- 331 User *** OK. Password required
---> OPTS MLST type;size;modify;UNIX.mode;UNIX.uid;UNIX.gid;
---> PBSZ 0
---> PROT P
<--- 213 UTIME OK
<--- 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
<--- 504 Unknown command
<--- 200 MLST OPTS type;size;sizd;modify;UNIX.mode;UNIX.uid;UNIX.gid;unique;
<--- 200 PBSZ=0
<--- 200 Data protection level set to "private"
---> MKD /public_html
---> MKD ***System
---> MKD ***System/modules
---> MKD ***System/modules/appointments
---> MKD public_html/System/modules/appointments/admin
<--- 550 Can't create directory: File exists
<--- 550 Can't create directory: File exists
<--- 550 Can't create directory: File exists
<--- 550 Can't create directory: File exists
<--- 550 Can't create directory: File exists
mkdir failed: Access failed: 550 Can't create directory: File exists (***System/modules/appointments/admin)
---> TYPE I
---> PRET STOR public_html/System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
---> PASV
---> STOR public_html/System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
<--- 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
<--- 200 Ready to proceed
<--- 227 Entering Passive Mode ([redacted],144,225)
---- Connecting data socket to ([redacted]) port 3[708]([redacted]/actions/runs/10507402769/job/29109070342#step:5:715)9
---- Data connection established
<--- 150 Accepted data connection
Certificate: CN=*.[redacted]
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Checking against: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Certificate: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Issued by: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Checking against: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Certificate: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Comodo CA Limited,CN=AAA Certificate Services
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
---- Closing data socket
<--- 451-Error during read from data connection
<--- 451-Transfer aborted
<--- 451 0.228 seconds (measured here), 70.04 Kbytes per second
---> SIZE ***System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
<--- 213 16384
---> PRET STOR public_html/System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
---> PASV
---> REST 16384
---> STOR public_html/System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
copy: put rolled back to 16384, seeking get accordingly
<--- 200 Ready to proceed
<--- 227 Entering Passive Mode ([redacted],152,235)
<--- 350 Restarting at 16384
---- Connecting data socket to ([redacted]) port 39147
---- Data connection established
<--- 150 Accepted data connection
Certificate: CN=*.[redacted]
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Checking against: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Certificate: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Issued by: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Checking against: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Certificate: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Comodo CA Limited,CN=AAA Certificate Services
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
---- Closing data socket
<--- 451-Error during read from data connection
<--- 451-Transfer aborted
<--- 451 0.219 seconds (measured here), 72.95 Kbytes per second
---> SIZE ***System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
<--- 213 32[768]([redacted]/actions/runs/10507402769/job/29109070342#step:5:775)
---> PRET STOR public_html/System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
---> PASV
---> REST 32768
---> STOR public_html/System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
copy: put rolled back to 32768, seeking get accordingly
<--- 200 Ready to proceed
<--- 227 Entering Passive Mode ([redacted],124,153)
<--- 350 Restarting at 32768
---- Connecting data socket to ([redacted]) port 31897
---- Data connection established
<--- 150 Accepted data connection
Certificate: CN=*.[redacted]
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Checking against: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Certificate: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Issued by: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Checking against: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Certificate: C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Jersey City,O=The USERTRUST Network,CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Issued by: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Comodo CA Limited,CN=AAA Certificate Services
WARNING: Certificate verification: hostname checking disabled
---- Closing data socket
<--- 451-Error during read from data connection
<--- 451-Transfer aborted
<--- 451 0.230 seconds (measured here), 69.53 Kbytes per second
---> SIZE ***System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
<--- 213 49152
mput: System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php: Fatal error: max-retries exceeded
---> DELE public_html/.deploy-check
<--- 550 Could not delete public_html/.deploy-check: No such file or directory
---> DELE public_html/.deploy-running
<--- 250 Deleted public_html/.deploy-running
---> QUIT
---> QUIT
<--- 221-Goodbye. You uploaded 48 and downloaded 0 kbytes.
<--- 221 Logout.
---- Closing control socket
<--- 221-Goodbye. You uploaded 1 and downloaded 0 kbytes.
<--- 221 Logout.
+ set ftp:ssl-protect-data true
+ set ftp:sync-mode false
+ set log:enabled/xfer true
+ set log:file/xfer ~/transfer_log.txt
+ set log:show-time/xfer false
+ set mirror:overwrite true
+ set mirror:parallel-transfer-count 3
+ set mirror:set-permissions false
+ set net:max-retries 1
+ set net:persist-retries 0
+ set net:timeout 10
+ set sftp:auto-confirm true
+ set ssl:check-hostname false
+ set ssl:verify-certificate false
+ set xfer:parallel 3
+ set sftp:connect-program /usr/bin/ssh -a -x
+ open ftp://***@***:21
---- Closing control socket
+ lftp -c "lcd \".\";
put -O \"/public_html\" \"./.deploy-running\";
mput -d -O \"/public_html\" .deploy-revision \"System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php\" ;
rm -f \"***.deploy-check\" ;
rm -f \"***.deploy-running\";
+ lcd .
+ put -O /public_html ./.deploy-running
+ mput -d -O /public_html .deploy-revision System/modules/appointments/admin/index.php
+ rm -f ***.deploy-check
+ rm -f ***.deploy-running
/home/runner/work/[redacted]/[redacted]/.deploy-running -> ftp://***@***:21***.deploy-running 0-0
/home/runner/work/[redacted]/[redacted]/.deploy-revision -> ftp://***@***:21***.deploy-revision 0-41 50 B/s
@milanmk Did you mean to mark this as completed? What does the log indicate?