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Doesn't detect changes for functions that generate DOM component changes

Open rob2d opened this issue 7 years ago • 13 comments

I have a component which has a class. I have noticed that reloading does not work if a function contained in a component has code which is changed. Example:

class MainApp extends Component

        this.DOM =
            G :     // generator functions
                contactButton : (p)=>
                    return (
                        <Button className={this.classes.contactButtonContainer}
                            onClick={()=> {location.href = p.url}}>
                            <i className={p.className}/>
    render ()
        return (
                <div className="appWrapper">
                    <div className="mainContent">
                        <div>- insert body content here -</div>
                    <div className="appFooter">
                            className : 'mdi mdi-github-box',
                            url       : 'http://somewhere'
                                className : 'rc3 rc3-npm-box',
                                url       : 'http://somewhere'
                                className : 'mdi mdi-code-tags',
                                url              : 'http://somewhere''

If I edit the definition of this.DOM.G.contactButton, no changes are detected when reloading. Also to note, I am using Redux & ReactRouter (@next/latest for each). I was very careful to set up each and require the proper middleware, but I'm not sure if this is an issue with that at this point.

rob2d avatar Mar 27 '17 04:03 rob2d

This is fixed in livereactload@next. Another next to add to your list. 😄

See upgrade instructions here.

EugeneZ avatar Mar 27 '17 19:03 EugeneZ

Amazing! Thanks for the quick reply :) Checking that out and will close right after.

rob2d avatar Mar 27 '17 19:03 rob2d

Tried to follow the guide. Unfortunately, I am experiencing the following when trying to run my gulp setup now:

Unknown plugin "react-hot-loader/babel" specified in "base" at 3, attempted to resolve relative to "..."

[double checked and upgraded all babel related dependencies to the latest :/]

rob2d avatar Mar 27 '17 20:03 rob2d

So I found the issue with that -- Just needed react-hot-loader@next! Getting a familiar feeling here... 😄

Another thing now, it is still not refreshing/updating in the example case I provided, but I am also getting an invariant violation for including inject-tap-event-plugin more than once which was included as it continues to load the client app over and over again. I will try to alleviate that issue to see if it's what is causing it or whether it's livereactload at this point.

rob2d avatar Mar 27 '17 21:03 rob2d

By default, the new livereactload assumes your code is idempotent (can be run over and over without issue) and the inject-tap-event-plugin is not idempotent. Wrap it in a try catch block.

EugeneZ avatar Mar 27 '17 21:03 EugeneZ

thanks for the elegant solution.

[edit: nevermind :)]

rob2d avatar Mar 27 '17 21:03 rob2d

To update: there are no more issues that might be conflicting with the build, but the issue posted above still seems to be there unfortunately 😐 It seems elements that aren't declared explicitly within an ES6 Component's render method are not reloaded/checked for changes. Is there a flag to always update when a bundle changes (and if not, is it possible)? The bundle change is detected, but the library simply decides there's no changes even though there are.

Right now the console is outputting this on these sorts of updates:

LiveReactload :: Reload complete!
build.js:348 LiveReactload :: Bundle changed
build.js:348 LiveReactload :: Nothing to reload

rob2d avatar Mar 27 '17 21:03 rob2d

To update: there are no more issues that might be conflicting with the build, but the issue posted above still seems to be there unfortunately

Do you mean the reload problem or inject-tap-event-plugin error?

milankinen avatar Mar 27 '17 21:03 milankinen

Sorry for the ambiguity there -- the reload issue described/#154.

For now, at least functional Components don't have so much boilerplate for the specific example I brought up above. It might be something to keep an eye out for of since these things aren't generating reloads though.

rob2d avatar Mar 27 '17 21:03 rob2d

I think the cause of this issue might be that the factory function (DOM.G.contactButton) is bound in the component's constructor. Hence react-hot-loader can't intercept the function call and proxy the return value correctly.

How about if you extracted the contact button to its own separate stateless component? Would that work as expected? Something like this:

class MainApp extends Component

        this.DOM =
            G :     // generator functions
                contactButton : (p) => 
                  <ContactButton {...p} btnClass={this.classes.contactButtonContainer} />
    render ()
        return (
                <div className="appWrapper">
                    <div className="mainContent">
                        <div>- insert body content here -</div>
                    <div className="appFooter">
                            className : 'mdi mdi-github-box',
                            url       : 'http://somewhere'
                                className : 'rc3 rc3-npm-box',
                                url       : 'http://somewhere'
                                className : 'mdi mdi-code-tags',
                                url              : 'http://somewhere'

function ContactButton({url, className, btnClass}) {
  return (
    <Button className={btnClass}
       onClick={()=> {location.href = url}}>
       <i className={className}/>

milankinen avatar Mar 27 '17 21:03 milankinen

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I have actually resorted to doing just that. One reason why I had done things this way is material-ui now uses JSS and has to be compiled with a context binded to the style for classNames (I mean, I don't have to use JSS, but for the sake of consistency within these apps). I'm not sure if the technology within JSS that re-writes CSS to the DOM would have slowdown with more sheets generated per render to do that.

But I guess a little more boiler-plate here and there won't be the end of the world. Thanks 😄 👍

rob2d avatar Mar 27 '17 22:03 rob2d

Apologies for the delay and for suggesting that the new beta would fix the issue. I got it confused with a different fix.

However, I recreated your code with react-hot-boilerplate here and it doesn't work even with the webpack non-LiveReactload approach.

Their issue for this is here.

They have a PR to fix this.

The advantage of the new 4.x LiveReactload is that you will get these fixes from react-hot-loader rather than from us.

EugeneZ avatar Apr 12 '17 01:04 EugeneZ

Just got merged 😊

ThisIsRuddy avatar May 31 '17 22:05 ThisIsRuddy