vue-cli-plugin-scss-base copied to clipboard
BUG: ValidationError: Invalid options object. Sass Loader has been initialised using an options object that does not match the API schema.
On this package list:
"sass": "^1.19.0",
"sass-loader": "^8.0.0",
"storybook-addon-vue-info": "1.1.1",
"storybook-vue-router": "1.0.3",
"typescript": "~3.5.3",
"vue-cli-plugin-atomic-design": "^0.3.3",
"vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder": "^1.4.0",
"vue-cli-plugin-pug": "^1.0.7",
"vue-cli-plugin-scss-base": "0.2.2",
"vue-template-compiler": "^2.6.10"
and this configuration
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
data: '@import "@/scss/settings.scss";'
I've got error
ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors 18:43:37
error in ./src/App.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=scss&
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
ValidationError: Invalid options object. Sass Loader has been initialised using an options object that does not match the API schema.
- options has an unknown property 'data'. These properties are valid:
object { implementation?, sassOptions?, prependData?, sourceMap?, webpackImporter? }
To fix this I have to change the configuration to:
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
prependData: '@import "@/scss/settings.scss";'
It work !
Nice,It work!
Thank You !
Thanks !
Tysm!! What a life saver!!
where do i find this config please css: { loaderOptions: { sass: { prependData: '@import "@/scss/settings.scss";' } } }